Thursday, December 31, 2009
2010 Goals and Tentative Schedule
2010 Goals:
- eat clean
- 8-10 servings of veggies and fruits daily
- cut soda of my diet completely
- limit sugar intake, cut out artificial sweeteners
- limit the amount of work I bring home
- spend my time wisely
- learn how to let go and relax
- deal with some personal issues that need to be dealt with
- work on all of my relationships
- save a large amount of money for an eventual downpayment on a house (We have decided not to go the condo route and will be renting instead, starting January 30th. I'm so excited to decorate the new apartment! It has a real fireplace and a washer/dryer in unit!)
- lose weight
Running Related Goals (although some of the above will definitely effect my running, especially the food related ones)
- Run 1,000 miles
- Set PRs in every distance:
5K: sub 23:00
10K: 48:xx
10 miles: 1:24:xx
Half marathon: 1:50:xx
Marathon (well I don't have a PR here yet so goal is ...): 4:15:xx
- Possibly complete a sprint triathlon
2010 Race Schedule - Very Tentative
February 7, 2010 - Super Sunday 10K
February 28, 2010 - Hyannis Half Marathon
April 11, 2010 - Road Race by the Sea 10K
April 25, 2010 - George Washington Parkway Classic 10 Miler
May/June 2010 - 5K
July/August 2010 - 10K, if I race at all
September 2010 - Half Marathon, possibly the same one I did in September 2009 ... or no race at all
October 2010 - Bay State Marathon
November 2010 - Probably some Thanksgiving Day Race
December 2010 - no races
I'll be back in the next few days with a post about my 2009 running, and recent run recaps. I also want to write some about a change in my eating habits/lifestyle that I'm undergoing after reading "Skinny B!tch" this week.
Happy New Year! Have fun tonight and be safe!!!
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Injuries that just don't stay away.
Happy Holidays!
Sunday, December 13, 2009
A relatively nice weekend
Hello all!
It's been a good weekend. On Friday night, Dave met me in Boston and we went out with an old friend of mine from college. It was really good to see her again and to meet her boyfriend. Another one of our figure skating teammates also came out and even though I had to leave soon after she arrived, it was really good to see her too! I wish we lived in the city so that I could see my friends more often without the commute. Dave and I took the train back, I had had a few drinks and fell asleep on the ride back. I usually sleep on my commute in and out of work on the train, so I'm very good at sleeping on trains these days.
I did pay for those few drinks the next morning on my 4 miler. I headed out in what was supposed to feel like 15 degree weather. Well, I was wayyyy overdressed. Then my feet felt like lead and I just didn't feel like I was in a groove at all. I was hoping to do a marathon pace run (9:09ish) … my splits were
Mile 1: 8:56, avg HR 159
Mile 2: 9:02, avg HR 164
Mile 3: 9:07, avg HR 165
Mile 4: 9:07, avg HR 169
Total: 4.0 miles, 36:15, average pace 9:03, average HR 165
Not bad despite feeling off to the whole time. After my run, cooled down, made a recovery smoothie, changed and headed to power yoga. It was a good class but it's still hard for me. I think I need to go more than once a week but I just don't have the time, which stinks. After yoga, I continued my morning of work outs and headed to the gym to meet Dave. I did 10 minutes of hill warmup on the elliptical, then tried to do some pull ups (did 2!) and then did my lifting session: deadlifts (total weight 95lbs), shoulder press (25lbs each hand), lat pull down (70lbs), lunges (30lbs total), and stability ball crunches with a 25lb plate. It was a tough workout after everything else that morning.
My afternoon consisted of a Target trip with my Nana, a nap, a trip to the mall to buy part of Dave's present and Trader Joe's. I watched the Bruins and Celts with my dad then headed to bed.
I had about 10 miles on the schedule today, so I got up around 7:30 to get some food into me and then dallied around until 8ish. Headed out for my warm up around 8:20. Goal pace for LSR is 10:09-10:39, HR 150-165ish.
Mile 1: 9:52, avg HR 134 – felt good, trying to slow down but since my HR wasn't high I kind of let it go
Mile 2: 9:54, avg HR 157 – still getting in a groove, my left calf was a light tight and crampy but loosening up
Mile 3: 9:42, avg HR 160 – woah too fast and this was a hilly-ish mile too
Mile 4: 9:27, avg HR 159 – definitely too fast
Mile 5: 9:44, avg HR 165 – HR too high … one hill in particular caused it. There's a hill on Dave's street that always gets me
Mile 6: 10:04, avg HR 156 – stopped at Dave's house for him to join me and I took a GU. Take off my gloves since I'm pretty warm now.
Mile 7: 10:12, avg HR 156 – Dave is good at pacing me. This is where I should have been the whole time.
Mile 8: 10:24, avg HR 157 – a little slow but within the range I want. Miles 7 and 8 are hilly.
Mile 9: 10:48, avg HR 151 – included a stop to get a rock out of my shoe, I hit lap instead of start/stop
Mile 10: 9:53, avg HR 153 – stopped and got a Gatorade for once I got home on this mile. Felt pretty good still
Total: 10.0 miles, 1:40:06, average pace 10:00, average HR 155
I went a got a massage about 2 hours after my run, it was much needed! My back, ITBs and calves needed some work. I need to go more often since I think it really helps. Met Dave and friend for lunch and Patriots watching after my massage but I wasn't feeling too great and the Pats were not playing too well so I left at halftime. Watched the second half at home and then just relaxed. Went back to Target for some gift shopping, made sugar cookies and watched the season finale of Dexter. WOW. What a twist. I knew it would be crazy but this was just wow. I'm not sure I like it but …. It had to happen I guess.
Off to bed now, busy work week ahead but it's my last full week before intersession. Only 7.5 days left then 10 days off! I love working for a University!
Goodnight L RHR 165
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Updating my blog from my brand new laptop!
It was miserable out today, so I had to go to the gym and use the dreadmill to get my workout in. So Dave picked me up after work and we headed over there. I had four miles on my schedule, so I headed to the treadmill and did about 4.1 miles in 40 minutes, I walked about .3 of it between warm up and cool down. It felt pretty easy even though time goes by sooooo slowly when I'm not running outside but I got it done and that's what matters. After I ran, I had to lift which I have been putting off since Monday because I'm exhausted but I did it. It was Stage 1 Week 4 Workout A from the New Rules of Lifting for Women, so I had:
- squats - 65 lbs
- rows - 25 lbs
- pushups with feet on stability ball
- step ups - 40 lbs
- prone jackknife
This week so far:
Monday: elliptical 10 minutes, PT exercises for about 30 minutes, PT work done to me for about 30 minutes, walk 25 minutes fast
Tuesday: run 30 minutes (3 miles), stretching routine
Wednesday: run 40 minutes (just over 4 miles), lift 20 minutes, stretching routine
Planned for the rest of the week:
Thursday: run 3 miles, PT and whatever that includes, stretching and foam rolling
Friday: Stage 1 Week 4 Workout B in the am since I'm going out after work
Saturday: run 4-5 miles, power yoga
Sunday: run 8-10 miles, lots of stretching and foam rolling
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Great 9 Miler!
Mile 1: 9:51, 146 avg HR. Felt great, headed into the sun, was able to run in the road instead of the snowy sidewalks since it was so early out and there weren't too many cars.
Mile 2: 9:50, 164 avg HR. Headed past the pond and just took in the gorgeous morning. I was so comfortable in my black Nike tights, black Nike turtleneck, UnderArmour gloves and hat. I didn't get too hot and I was never cold. I did step in a puddle on this mile and my foot was a little chilly. I think I need some better socks.
Mile 3: 9:55, 165 avg HR. Up and down some rolling hills. I was running a new route which was hillier than I expected but I felt good. Stopped for a GU at the end of this mile since I hadn't eaten breakfast. I brought 2 GUs just in case but only needed one.
Mile 4: 10:06, 164 avg HR. Ran down Dave's street here, planned it that way in case I needed a bathroom stop but I didn't. Felt really good. His mom said she saw me later. One big hill in this mile. Finally closer to the right pace.
Mile 5: 9:49, 166 avg HR. Turned on to another main street, which was very rolling. Felt good, had to worry a little more about cars here, so jumping back and forth between street and the snow covered grass.
Mile 6: 9:51, 167 avg HR. Felt really good mostly, my back was getting tighter but not bad. Happy to have my new handheld water bottle at this point.
Mile 7: 9:52, 166 avg HR. Not much that I remember about this point in the run.
Mile 8: 9:47, 167 avg HR. Almost done, heading back into the sun. Felt great.
Mile 9: 9:14, 164 avg HR. Felt great at the end. Had to head past my house a little but it was ok because it gave me a cool down walk back. My right foot hurt a little bit but not too bad.
Total: 9.00 miles, 9:48 avg pace, 163 avg HR even though most were higher, I guess my first mile helped? 971 calories.
Came home and took a quick ice bath before showering and heading to apartment hunt with Dave. I thought we may choose an apartment today but we've actually reconsidered and may be buying instead! Probably around March/April, since we want to use the 8,000 tax credit. I'm so excited though. I just want to be closer to work and have an easier commute. I can't wait for us to move in together either.
Had to watch the Patriots lose this afternoon, which really sucked. I did nap through half time and some of the 3rd quarter since I was exhausted but I saw most of the game. I also had to get some work done for tomorrow, which is a good thing especially since I have PT tomorrow and will have to take a long lunch.
Have a great Sunday night!
Saturday, December 5, 2009
I'm an awful blogger
So running - just been running on and off, dealing with some injuries. I'm in physical therapy for my shin and calf pain. I had a compartment syndrome test a few weeks ago and it was negative luckily. Hopefully PT helps and I'm ready to start marathon training later this month. I did run a Turkey Trot 5K but had an awful side stitch around 2.5 miles and had to stop since I couldn't stand up straight. Finished in like 27:55, which is the same as my PW. Oh well, I wasn't quite on pace for a new PR anyway. Dave got one though, which is awesome! I went out and ran another 5 miles that day since I was so unhappy with my race. Then we played football with Dave's family and I got to guard the 6 year old, well he can run fast and for a long time. We played for like 2 hours and I think I got another mile in with all the running haha. It was fun though.
I've started going to power yoga once a week and lifting twice a week, although I may try and increase the lifting to three times a week if I can. But then I wouldn't have a real rest day, so I'm not sure. I'm doing New Rules of Lifting for Women but only the lifting schedule not the diet part. Although my diet does need an overhaul ... but that's gonna wait until January, haha.
In other news, Dave and I are apartment hunting and hopefully will find a place tomorrow and move in January 1st. We saw a great apartment on Wednesday that I love. It's 1 bedroom, huge living room with a dining area, nice sized kitchen, porch and it has a fitness room and laundry on the same floor. We also could have stacked laundry in our unit if we want. But Dave wants to see a few more apartments before we make a decision so we're going back tomorrow. I'm hoping the great apartment is still available! I'm so excited to move out and move in with Dave.
So lets see if I can be a better blogger again.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Tufts 10K Race Report
So I had never run a 10K heading into Monday's race but I wanted to finished between 48min-52min, or so I said but secretly my goal was less than 50. I got up relatively late since the race isn't until 12pm. Headed over to the boyfriend's house after getting my stuff together and stopping at Dunkies. His two aunts were running as well, and we were driving in with his mom and 1 aunt and picking his grandmother and other aunt up at South Station. Headed in, the drive was easy, picked up everyone etc ... I finally decided to wear my old shoes after much debate. Got to the race, had to find our bib numbers and then go to number pickup. My line was extremely long, for some reason the line was 1-1500, whereas every other line seemed to be in groups of 500. Not sure why. Got our numbers and stuff. It was about 11:15 now. I visited the porta-potties twice and hung out. I took my salt before the race and then went and lined up in the middle of the 7 min mile group.
The race started and I felt ok, my stomach was bothering me and I was worried about my foot. But at the beginning there were a lot of people and it was really energetic. I also still had my Garmin on autolap and it always hit a mile marker before the official mile marker, which sucked. I started it right as I crossed the start line too, so I must have not run the tangents well. The following stats are from my Garmin:
Mile 1: 7:28
Mile 2: 7:29
I felt good but when I saw the numbers, it seemed a little too fast but I probably should have just ignored the numbers looking back now.
Mile 3: 7:59
Trying to hold back a little and my stomach started really bothering me here. So I decided to stop at the porta-potty on the course, and then I still had to walk some after to try and get rid of a bad cramp.
Mile 4: 9:01
That mile sucked. Includes porta-potty and walking.
Mile 5: 8: 19
Mile 6: 7:57
.34 miles: 2:29 (7:24 pace)
Decided I needed to just suck it up and run, so I did. My foot and stomach hated me but I finished. Not very pretty but I'll take it. I really wanted a sub 8 min/mile pace but my official min/mile pace is 8:09 even though my Garmin has me running further and at a sub 8 pace. I figure I ran wide on some turns and I didn't pause when I ran into and out of the porta-potty, so I was bound to have some extra mileage on there. I really wish I hadn't had to stop. Everyone I went with thought my time was great and it is, don't get me wrong, I just know I could have done better.
Next time, sub 50 for sure.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
First run in a week
So I ran my two miles in 18:36 and felt really good. I had a few twinges in my foot but I think that was because I was overthinking it.
And boy did I need this run. I've had an absolutely awful week between work and grad school and I needed some me time. Some free, don't think just run time. And even though it was a short two miles, it helped my mind so much. Ahhhh love running.
I have a 10K Monday and it's a guaranteed PR since I've never raced a 10K before, sweet! The boyfriend's aunts are doing it also, so it should be fun. I just hope it doesn't snow! That's what is predicted but I doubt it will or at least, I hope it doesn't!
In addition to the three day weekend, I don't have one of my classes next week! Yes! So, so relieved to have a little break.
Friday, October 2, 2009
I did run once this week, 3x800s on the treadmill on Wednesday and it actually felt really good but my foot ached afterwards so I won't run today. I think I'll take this weekend off, bike and do yoga instead, maybe run once or twice before my 10K on the 12th and see how I'm feeling. If this little break doesn't do the trick, I'll have to head back to the doctor and I really hope it doesn't come to that.
This injury has also affected my planned marathon training. I was planning on starting an 18 week marathon training program on Oct 19th for The Breast Cancer Marathon on February 21. Unfortunately it's looking less likely that I will be ready to start training by then. Plus, I was already worried about training for a warm weather marathon in the New England winter. So now I'm looking at a DC Marathon in March or possibly Nashville in April, I think. If I do DC, the boyfriend has family there so that would be nice and if I do Nashville, I have family there. So hopefully one of these two relatively later winter/early spring marathons works out and I can start training soon.
So that's my update for now. Hopefully I'll have a good cycling and yoga weekend along with the hours of studying I have to do for an exam Tuesday.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
5K PR!
The starting line was emotional too as they had a breast cancer survivor speak then. I teared up a little and told myself I would push as hard as I could through this race since it isn't anything nearly as hard as what my Meemom went through or anyone else battling cancer.
The race route was a little weird and choppy, there were a lot of U turns. But it was soooo flat, which definitely contributed to my PR. It was great to see so many people out there in support of the cause, there were over 7,000 participants. The 3.1 miles went by very quickly and then the finish line was in site, and the clock said 23:xx, and I was so so happy. My gun time was 23:46 and my chip time was 23:34! My old 5K PR was 25:11! I had a huge smile on my face as I finished. I think it may have been my best race ever and even though the day was emotional, it was also great.
Here are some pictures:


Thursday, September 24, 2009
Injuries, Track and 5ks
So I didn't run Monday due to my foot. But yesterday after work, the boyfriend and I headed to the track. I wanted to see how fast I could run 1 mile. The first track we headed to is closed for repairs apparently, although there was someone on it. But the sign said closed and we didn't want to disobey so we headed to another track. I did a mile warmup, pretty slowly. Then stretched out before my fast mile. I just wanted a 7 minute mile even though in high school without training I was faster than that. So I ran my 1 mile in exactly 7:00, blah. I want to get faster. I know I said it was my goal but I really was hoping for faster. Oh well something to improve on. After my mile time trial, I did one cool down lap of walking and then 1 800, followed by 400 recovery and a mile cool down. It was a pretty good workout although the track was quite dark when we finished. There are lights that supposedly can be turned on but we couldn't get them to work. Luckily, my mom knows the Athletic Director, so we'll contact him and see if we can figure it out since the track is really nice, they recently redid it and I'd love to be able to use it more but I need some light.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Friday, September 18, 2009
Running with my dog
When I run with Remy, we usually do a 2.6 mile out and back and then I drop her off at home. She gets to lay in the grass and catch her breath while I finish my run. I really do love her company on those 2.6 miles though. She stays by my side (well kind of), keeps me company and makes me feel safe. I hope I can get her up to about 4 mile runs eventually but we will see. For that, not only does she have to learn how to pace herself better but I have to try and find a slightly different route which is hard in my town which lacks consistent sidewalks to run on. I find it really unfortunate how many towns around here do not have sidewalks that make it safe for people to go out for a walk or run in their neighborhood. Although, I personally only run on sidewalks when I'm with Remy because I prefer the feel of the road but it's just not safe enough with her.
So Remy and I ran tonight. She did 2.6 miles and I did 3.1.
Miles - 3.1
Time - 26:36, avg 8:35 min/mile
Mile 1 - 8:29
Mile 2 - 8:40
Mile 3 - 8:37
Mile 3-3.10 - 8:15 min/mile pace
Calories - 326
I just iced my foot which I tweaked somehow on the run and now it's time to relax and watch the Red Sox.
Have a good night!
Busy weekend ahead
Tomorrow, I'm hoping to get 5-6 miles in with some hill repeats. The boyfriend and I are going to a state park near us and he can ride his bike while I run. I know I need hill training and there's this one huge hill so I'm going to do it .... ummm well I haven't decided how many times yet. But enough. After running, laundry and cleaning majorly needs to be done. Then we're going apple picking! And then the boyfriend's mom said she'd make apple pie, which I've been craving for weeks.
I'm also having dinner and drinks with an old friend tomorrow night. I haven't seen her in a year and I'm so excited. It will be so good to catch up.
I'm also trying to decide if I should go get a gait analysis and fitting for new shoes this weekend because I think I need to go up half a size in shoes. I've had trouble with some foot numbness during training and while I think some of it has been resolved if I salt before and during runs, I also think that my feet swell a lot and my shoes get too small, so a half size bigger may help. I just can't decide if I want to get fitted this weekend or wait until next weekend after my 5k.
Off to get ready for the day, I'll be back tomorrow with a report of my hill repeats and maybe some pictures.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Posting from my phone
I ran for the first time this week last night. The boyfriend picked me up after work and we headed to the track. I did .75 miles warm up then 1x200, 1x300, 2x400, 1x300, 1x200, and then 2x100 with the boyfriend. Cool down was another .75, I had planned on a mile but it was getting dark and cold and he wanted to go. It felt so good to be running again and I wasn't sore at all. My blister from the race was still bothering me a little but it didn't get any worse, which is always good.
No running planned for today, I have class from 5 to 845 and my only goal is to stay awake.
Oh, and I got my training log from Runners World yesterday which was really exciting. I think it will be really helpful with my training.
Have a great day!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Mile splits from the half
Mile1: 8:34
Mile 2: 8:11
- went out a lot faster than I had planned on
Mile 3: 8:46
Mile 4: 9:49
- lots of stopping to retie and adjust this mile
Mile 5: 9:17
Mile 6: 8:57
Mile 7: 8:50
Mile 8: 8:56
- finally some consistency
Mile 9: 8:31
Mile 10: 9:09
Mile 11: 9:14
Mile 12: 9:00
Mile 13: 8:32
Last .17(according to my Garmin it was .17 not .10): 7:23 pace
I really need to work on maintaining a steadier pace but I think the hills and stops really contributed to my inconsistency. I also need to work on starting a little slower but adrenaline makes that really hard.
Next up: back to running tomorrow night. I start Marathon training October 19th so until then it's speedwork and semi long runs. I'm doing a 5k September 26th and a 10k October 12th.
Have a good day!
Monday, September 14, 2009
Half Marathon Done
Half Marathon Report
Dave and I had a nice pasta dinner at his parent's house on Friday night before the race. I went home relatively early and even went to bed early because the Red Sox were rained out, so I had nothing to watch. I slept surprisingly well on Friday night which I was not expecting at all. I woke up a few minutes before my alarm at 6:15 and it was raining still. At this point, I'd been debating whether to wear tights or shorts due to the rain. I wear compression socks when I run due to some calf and foot problems so I did not want them getting wet. I decided I'd go with running tights and a pink Saucony singlet. Got dressed and everything ready to go. I grabbed a Luna bar to eat on the way and my mom and I headed over to Dave's to pick up him and his mom. It was downpouring most of the ride down to the race. We get to the registration and it is not overly organized and we have to stand outside in the rain but luckily it didn't take too long.
We met up with Dave's friend at registration and after we got our numbers, we grabbed what we needed from the car and sent our moms off to breakfast. The race start was about 1/3 of a mile from registration so we walked there. There were a few bathrooms at the building there and the lines weren't too long. It had stopped raining now and luckily didn't rain for the whole race.
We got started about 15 minutes after we got to the starting line. Dave and his friend wanted to start closer to the back, so I did too. We headed out to a relatively fast first mile (8:33) and I felt pretty good. Sometime during the second mile, I separated from Dave and his friend which was fine as we planned to run separately. My second mile was 8:11. It started getting pretty hilly after those first two miles and I really regretted heading out so fast. I got water from a water station for the first time at mile 3 (8:40something). After mile 3 I started to have some problems with my foot. My left foot went numb, as it has sometimes in the past, and I could barely feel it strike the pavement anymore. I stopped to retie my shoe but that didn't help much. I did have salt in my tights pocket so I took that which helped except for the fact that I took it without water, gross! My fourth mile was like 9:55 or something. Not good. But the salt helped A LOT! My foot slowly regained feeling.
I took my first GU sometime between 5-6. I was also walking through every water station at this point. I had to stop and stretch and retie my shoes a few more times before mile 7. I don't have all my mile splits with me anymore so I'll add them in later when I'm at home and have my Garmin. But once I stopped to tie my shoes for the last time and check to see what was bothering my right foot I was pretty steady for the rest of the race. I got gatorade sometime and was still walking water stations and some parts of the bigger hills which I wasn't thrilled about but there were way more than I expected.
I did have a moment at Mile 10 when I wanted to stop. In training the furthest we had run was 10 miles, so I felt a little undertrained but once I got water, walked and GU-ed at Mile 10, I was off and running for the rest of the race. I needed 9:30 min/miles for the last 3 miles to finish under 2 hours which was my goal.
I hit mile 13 and was running down the homestretch. I saw my mom and Dave's mom taking pictures and my mom wanted a high 5 but there was no way I had any energy for that. I crossed the finish like around 1:57:20 according to the clock at the finish line. Goal accomplished!
I almost passed out as soon as I stopped and my whole body seized. I couldn't believe how hard it was to walk but I got over to my mom and gulped down some gatorade. I then stretched and walked around waiting for Dave and his friend to finish. They finished about 9 minutes later and we took some pictures. I took my shoes off at this point and the blister on my right foot was killing me. Ugh. Got some food from the tents but I wasn't too hungry.
So that's it. My first half marathon. My official posted time is 1:56:23 which is 8:53 min/mile. Not bad! Especially in the weather and hills.
Marathon here I come!